How Secure is Polarbackup?

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Your files are actually safer while stored in your Polarbackup account than on your computer.  Other people under your account cannot see your files and you cannot see theirs.


Polarbackup employees are prohibited from viewing the content of files you store in the Cloud. In addition, we employ a number of physical and electronic security measures to protect user-information from unauthorized access. Always remember, a Polarbackup employee will never ask for your account password.


More information!


Polarbackup uses modern encryption methods to both transfer and store your data.


  • Files are encrypted before leaving your machine using 256-AES. You can specify your own encryption password.
  • They are transferred over an SSL encrypted layer.
  • The website and software have been hardened against attacks from hackers.
  • Shared files are decrypted on the machine of the recipient.
  • Polarbackup complies with GDPR privacy laws and regulations.


To read more about privacy with Polarbackup, click here.


If you have specified your own encryption password, please make sure to store it in a safe place since you will not be able to recover your files if lost.
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