I am receiving: “You have reached the maximum number of computers that can be added under this user” message. What should I do?

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  • I am receiving: “You have reached the maximum number of computers that can be added under this user” message. What should I do?
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Upon installing the Polarbackup desktop client on your machine and entering your Polarbackup account’s credentials, Polarbackup will check how many active backups you currently have under your Polarbackup username, in order to make sure that you do not exceed the allowed limit, which is three (3) active backups for each Business user, and one (1) active backup for each Home one.

If by configuring a new backup job from this machine you will be exceeding the maximum number of the allowed active backups per user as described above, the Polarbackup desktop software will show you this message.


The Polarbackup desktop software will see your machine as a new one in the following cases:

Cause #1: This is indeed a new machine. In this case, you should pay attention to how many active backups your Polarbackup subscription allows you to keep per user.

Cause #2: Polarbackup desktop software was installed and running on this machine before, but it has been uninstalled completely (Without keeping the settings) and reinstalled again. In this case, the newly installed Polarbackup desktop software will consider this machine as a new one.

Cause #3: Formatting/replacing the hard drive, or reinstalling the OS will make the newly installed Polarbackup desktop software consider this machine as a new one.


Whenever you receive this message from the Polarbackup desktop client, you may apply one of the following solutions:

  1. Archive an old computer.
  2. Delete an old computer.
  3. Add a new user to your main Polarbackup account (If your subscription allows you to do so), and use the credentials of the newly added user to activate the Polarbackup desktop client on this machine.
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