Handling Missed Backups with Polarbackup

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Polarbackup offers continuous data protection (CDP) through customizable scheduling settings. (Learn more)


However, missed scheduled backups can pose a challenge. When a scheduled backup is missed, Polarbackup automatically postpones it to the next scheduled interval. For immediate backup after a missed schedule, the user can use the Windows Task Scheduler.


How to Configure Polarbackup to run Scheduled Backups after it is Missed

  1. Follow the steps here to schedule the backup using the On Schedule option.
  2. Press Windows + R keys on your keyboard to open the Run dialog box.
  3. In the Run dialog, type taskschd.msc and press Enter. The Task Scheduler window will open.
  4. From the left-side panel of the Windows Task Scheduler, click Task Scheduler Library.
  5. Double-click the Polarbackup Start Backup task to open its properties window.
  6. From the Settings tab, select the Run task as soon as possible after a scheduled start is missed option.
  7. Click OK. If  Task Scheduler asks you to enter the login password of your Windows user account, please do and click OK.



When configuring Polarbackup to handle missed scheduled backups, it’s important to note that any manual customizations made to the “Polarbackup Start Backup” task in the Windows Task Scheduler will be reset if you adjust the scheduling settings within the Polarbackup application or policy. After modifying Polarbackup’s schedule settings, you should reapply your custom configurations in the Windows Task Scheduler to ensure they remain effective.


Additional Tip!

Regularly review your backup schedule to align with your data protection needs.

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