What Does the Hybrid+ Option of Polarbackup Do?

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By default, Polarbackup backs up your selected data to the Cloud.


For those who prefer to double their backup protection by creating a local copy of every backed up file to a local server, external or network drive of their choice, Polarbackup introduces the Hybrid+ option; ensuring faster recovery when needed. Polarbackup Restore is intelligent enough to minimize recovery time by checking your local Hybrid+ storage for the file before restoring it from the Cloud, reducing time and bandwidth resources.


For more information about how to enable the Hybrid+ option, please check this article.


Benefits of Using the Hybrid+ Option


  1. Maximize your protection by creating two copies of your backup; one on the Cloud, and another on a local repository.
  2. Zero Restore time: Save time and resources by restoring hybrid copies from the local repository instead of downloading them from the Cloud.
  3. Easy to use: No extra configuration, just enable the Hybrid+ option and set the storage size. (Learn more)
  4. Flexible: You can disable/enable the Hybrid+ option at any time, not just at the beginning of the backup.
  5. Limit Size: Limit the amount of space Hybrid+ takes of your drive. When Polarbackup reaches the size limit, it will automatically purge older files to make room for the more recent ones.


How does Polarbackup Handle the Files under the Hybrid+ Backup

Under Polarbackup’s Hybrid+ backup, it is common for certain file types to be saved in a compressed format (.ZIP). The compression method employed is dependent on the extension of the file. However, the following file types will remain unaltered during the Hybrid+ backup process:


General files: pst, iso, Bz2, Gz, Lz, Lzma, Lzo, Rz, Sfark, Xz, Z, 7z, S7z, Ace, Alz, Apk, Arc, Arj, B1, Ba, Bh, Cab, Cfs, Cpt, Dar, Dgc, Dmg, Ear, Jar, Kgb, Lzx, Pak, Partimg, Paq6, Paq7, Paq8, Pea, Pim, Qda, Rar, Rk, Sen, Sitx, Sqx, Tgz, Tbz2, Tlz, Uca, Uha, Wim, War, Xar, Xp3, Yz1, Zip, Zipx, Zoo, Zpaq, Zz, ipa, wmd, rp, exe


Documents: docx, pptx, xlsx, odt, odp, ods, rt, ogm, qt, m1v, mpv2, mp2v, mqv, rv, ppsx


Audio: mp3, m4a, 3gp, m4p, aac, flac, wma, ogg, oga, amr, ra, rm, mpc, tta, dvf, act, opus, mpa, rmi, aif, aifc, aiff, ram, mpga, m4b


Images: jpeg, jpg, tif, tiff, gif, png, webp, bpg, jpe


Video files: webm, flv, f4v, ogv, drc, rmvb, mp4, m4v, mpg, mp2, mpeg, mpe, mpv, m2v, 3gp, 3g2, wmv, mov, avi, 3gpp, mkv


Any other file types that are not on this list will be compressed to the .ZIP format, and this setting cannot be modified.


It is important to understand that the Hybrid+ backup does not provide a manual browsing option through Windows Explorer or Finder for accessing files within the Hybrid+ folder. As mentioned earlier, certain files are compressed within this folder. To retrieve files correctly, please refer to the instructions provided in this article.

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