The Smart Selection tab of Polarbackup Data Selection window contains various built-in plugins that you can use to backup some of the most important items on your computer.
Scans for the following file types:
- In Windows:
- Outlook .pst
- Outlook Express .dbx and.wab
- Windows Mail .eml, stationary files, community files, .oeaccount, rules, and .contact
- In macOS:
- [user_home]/Library/Mail
Office Files
Scans for the following file types in your personal Desktop and Documents Windows folders:
.doc .docx .dot .dotx .docm .dotm .txt .rtf .wri .abw .odt .ott .stw .vor .sdw .fodt .psw .vot .sxw .lwp .wpd .ppt .pps .pot .pptx .pptm .potx .potm .ppam .ppsx .ppsm .ppa .odp .otp .sxi .sti .sxd .sda .sdd .vop .odj .prz .shw .xls .xlt .xla .xlsx .xlsm .xltx .xltm .xlsb .xlam .ods .ots .sxc .stc .dif .slk .fods .pxl .vos .qpw .wk1 .wk3 .wk4 .mdb .mdw .mda .adb .ade .accdb .accde .accdt .accdr .odb .apr .dbf .odf .sxm .pdx .vsd .vss .vst .vdx .vsx .vtx .odg .otg .std .fodg .pub .mpp .mpd .mpt .mpw .mpx
Financial Files
Scans the following directories:
- C:\Users\{Username}\Documents\
- C:\Users\{Username}\Desktop\
- C:\ProgramData\
- C:\ACCP\
- C:\Program Files\JDL\
- C:\MSSQL7\
For the following file types:
.mny .qbw .qel .qsd .qph .qbb .tax .t01 .t02 .t03 .t04 .t05 .t06 .t07 .t08 .t09 .ptb .qdf .ypr .kyr .ypb .acc .saccp .jbi .jbf .ldf .mdf .hb1 .hb2 .hb3 .hb4 .hb5 .hb6 .hb7 .hb8 .hb9 .hb10 .hb11 .hb12 .hb13 .hb14 .hb15 .hb16 .he1 .he2 .he3 .he4 .he5 .he6 .he7 .he8 .he9 .he10 .he11 .he12 .he13 .he14 .he15 .he16 .klb1 .klb2 .klb3 .klb4 .klb5 .klb6 .klb7 .klb8 .klb9 .klb10 .klb11 .klb12 .klb13 .klb14 .klb15 .klb1 .hlx1 .hlx2 .hlx3 .hlx4 .hlx5 .hlx6 .hlx7 .hlx8 .hlx9 .hlx10 .hlx11 .hlx12 .hlx13 .hlx14 .hlx15 .hlx16 .ad1 .ad2 .ad3 .ad4 .ad5 .ad6 .ad7 .ad8 .ad9 .ad10 .ad11 .ad12 .ad13 .ad14 .ad15 .ad16 .ab1 .ab2 .ab3 .ab4 .ab5 .ab6 .ab7 .ab8 .ab9 .ab10 .ab11 .ab12 .ab13 .ab14 .ab15 .ab16 .kd1 .kd2 .kd3 .kd4 .kd5 .kd6 .kd7 .kd8 .kd9 .kd10 .kd11 .kd12 .kd13 .kd14 .kd15 .kd16 .kb1 .kb2 .kb3 .kb4 .kb5 .kb6 .kb7 .kb8 .kb9 .kb10 .kb11 .kb12 .kb13 .kb14 .kb15 .kb16 .kt1 .kt2 .kt3 .kt4 .kt5 .kt6 .kt7 .kt8 .kt9 .kt10 .kt11 .kt12 .kt13 .kt14 .kt15 .kt16 .dd1 .dd2 .dd3 .dd4 .dd5 .dd6 .dd7 .dd8 .dd9 .dd10 .dd11 .dd12 .dd13 .dd14 .dd15 .dd16 .db1 .db2 .db3 .db4 .db5 .db6 .db7 .db8 .db9 .db10 .db11 .db12 .db13 .db14 .db15 .db16 .lb1 .lb2 .lb3 .lb4 .lb5 .lb6 .lb7 .lb8 .lb9 .lb10 .lb11 .lb12 .lb13 .lb14 .lb15 .lb16 .lx1 .lx2 .lx3 .lx4 .lx5 .lx6 .lx7 .lx8 .lx9 .lx10 .lx11 .lx12 .lx13 .lx14 .lx15 .lx16
Backs up the content of the Music library.
Backs up the content of the Pictures library.
Backs up the content of the Videos library.
eBooks & PDFs
Scans the following directories:
- C:\Users\{Username}\Documents\
- C:\Users\{Username}\Desktop\
- C:\ProgramData\
- C:\Just\
For the following file types:
.azw .tpz .azw1 .chm .lit .pdb .pdf .mobi .prc .tr; tr2 .tr3 .fb2 .opf .aeh .lrf .lrx .epub .pdg .pkg .dnl .djvu .kml .arg .bfl .bkk .brn .ceb .ebk .ebo .ebx .etd .f4b .hsb .imp .mbp .meb .nat .oeb .rb .scb .skn .stk .swb .tcr .tk3 .ubk .vbk .xeb .ybk .zvr .fwa .fwb .fzd .pdn .fga .fgl .idx .fgt .jsr .jyd .hsa .hsd
Backs up the content of the Desktop folder.
Backs up the content of the Documents library.
Backs up the Bookmarks of:
- Internet Explorer
- Mozilla Firefox
- Opera
- Google Chrome
- Apple Safari