What is Cold Storage?

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Cold Storage refers to data that you want to backup for archiving. No matter what you need to use it for, Cold Storage is perfect for businesses who want to save money by protecting data that isn’t accessed on a day-to-day basis.


How can businesses benefit from Cold Storage?


We’ve put together 5 ways you and your business can benefit from using this method of data storage.


Cost – Infrequently used files can take up valuable storage space. By archiving your data, you can reduce your overall storage costs because Cold Storage is extremely economical.

Lifetime storage – Polarbackup doesn’t charge any additional costs for Cold Storage backup. Simply choose the amount of storage you like and store it forever.

Data management – Optimize the data management process. We offer a powerful policy management tool, which means you can migrate inactive data in just a few clicks. This is perfect if you want to organize your files.

Efficiency – Cold Storage is ideal for businesses that are legally obliged to store data for compliance.

Security – Cold Storage is durable and reliable. While you will not be able to access the data right away, it is never lost. With Polarbackup, we offer military-grade encryption so you can rest assured that your data is safe.


When you request to restore data from Cold Storage, PolarBackup will take 3-12 hours to start the restore process.
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