Detailed Explanation of the ADM File in Active Directory Deployment

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Deployment Token

A unique identifier, available under the Deployment page of your Polarbackup account. Upon opening that page for the first time, a newly generated token will be created and ready for use. You can generate as many new deployment tokens as you want. However, be sure to reflect the changes in the Group Policy settings. Then update the 1st field as seen in the above screenshot with the same matching deployment token saved in your account.


Get Email From

In this drop-down list, you have two choices: Active Directory and Manually Specified. The recommended and default choice is Active Directory. However, mainly for testing purposes, we have added manually specified if the need for it rises. Keep in mind that if you have specified Active Directory, and the user has a blank email, then his Windows username and domain will be used. for example jack@company


Enter Email

This option is only needed to be filled if Manually Specified was selected under the Get Email From list.


Auto Generate Password

If set to Enabled, Polarbackup will generate a secure selected password for every user. However, there are certain limitations: If the domain client uninstalled Polarbackup and removed its settings, then installed it back again on his machine, Polarbackup software will not be able to log in. The Polarbackup agent in the system tray will show Awaiting activation when hovering over the icon. This is because the new installation generates a new secure password, that differs from the one stored under the web account. To solve this situation, the admin has two choices; delete the user from the Polarbackup account. The new installation will work, Polarbackup software will log in successfully and register a new user and his machine. The second choice would be using a password token.


Password Token

To enable this, you will need to disable the Auto Generate Password. Go to the Users/Servers page under your Polarbackup account → Click the AD Deployment button there → Click the Generate Password Token button→ Supply a password that is more than 6 characters and confirm it, then click the Generate Password Token button. A password token will be generated. Copy/paste it into the Password token field in the ADM file. This way, even if a user uninstalled Polarbackup and installed it again on the same machine, the Polarbackup software will log in, and register a new machine for this user.


Instant Storage Limit (GB)

Self-explanatory, if the need arises you can specify a limit for Instant/Hot Storage.


Cold Storage Limit (GB)

Self-explanatory, if the need arises you can specify a limit for Cold Storage.


Policy Name

If you want your domain users to have pre-selected folder paths, to get backed up, or pre-configured settings, like bandwidth limits, optional Passcode support, the ability to exit the Polarbackup software, and many more options, please first create a policy, save it, and copy its name to the Policy name field in the ADM file.

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