Error Message: “Connection Lost. Please check your Internet connection”

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This message means that your computer could not communicate properly with our servers or you have a missing component. To solve this, please follow the instructions below:


Check Polarbackup Settings

Open your Polarbackup desktop software → SettingsConnection → If the Wireless connection (WiFi) option is selected, click on WiFi Safelist, and make sure the All WiFi networks option is selected → Click the Save icon → Click the Save icon.


Check your Firewall or Antivirus software

Polarbackup is a backup software, meaning that it needs to check your files for changes and modifications and to communicate with the server to check the current backup state. While this is a normal behavior for a backup software, some Antivirus software might think it is suspicious and constantly scan Polarbackup’s application files and folders, thus, making it harder to scan the files and sometimes impossible to communicate to the server.

Please try to exclude the following files/folders from getting scanned by your Antivirus:

  • C:\Program Files\PolarBackup
  • C:\Program Files\PolarBackup\PolarBackup.exe
  • C:\Program Files\PolarBackup\PolarBackupService.exe
  • C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\PolarBackup


Check the .NET and the MS Visual C++ Redistributables

  1. Download the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 from this page, and proceed with installing it. If this version or a higher one is installed, you will get a notification about it.
    If you already have the correct version of .NET installed, or the installer above did not solve the problem, please repair your .NET installation using this utility. Once the utility is downloaded, run the tool and follow the steps on your screen to repair your .NET Framework installation.
  2. Download all of the following Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables, and install them one by one:


Check Windows Settings

    1. Using a Windows user account that has administrative credentials, log on to the computer.
    2. Press the Windows + R keys on your keyboard to open the Run box → Type gpedit.msc and then press ENTER.
    3. In the Local Group Policy Editor, under the Computer Configuration node, double-click Windows Settings, and then double-click Security Settings.
    4. Under the Security Settings node, double-click Local Policies, and then click Security Options.
    5. In the details pane, double-click System cryptography: Use FIPS-compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing.
    6. In the System cryptography: Use FIPS-compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing dialog box, click Disabled, and then click OK to close the dialog box.
    7. Close the Local Group Policy Editor.
    8. Exit Polarbackup. (Right-click Polarbackup agent (icon) in the system tray (Taskbar) → Exit)
    9. Start Polarbackup again. (Start → All Programs → Polarbackup)
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